3 Tips to Prevent Dental Emergencies

November 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcosmeticsolution @ 6:33 pm
CGI of injured tooth next to dental mirror and a red emergency kit

We all know that though we try our best to avoid them, accidents can happen anytime. This adage holds true for our oral health, too. Whether you bit into barbecued chicken and broke a tooth on the bone, or took a blow to the face during a football game, dental emergencies usually come as a surprise.

While it’s not possible to ensure your safety against such unforeseen circumstances, you can do your best to steer clear of them! Keep reading to learn 3 tips that can help keep you out of the dentist’s chair.

Tip #1: Practice Consistent Dental Hygiene

Tooth decay and gum disease can weaken your teeth and leave them more prone to breaking. You can keep them strong by cleaning them properly so that they’re less likely to be injured if anything happens.

If you don’t already have one in place, now’s a great time to implement a regular dental care routine. You should brush and floss your teeth twice daily, once in the morning and again before bed at night. This preventative measure keeps your teeth in prime condition so they can better withstand anything that comes their way.

Tip #2: Use a Mouthguard

Many athletes know that you’re putting your smile at risk if you participate in high-contact physical activities like team sports or martial arts. Often, a single strike to the face carries enough force to knock out one or more of your pearly whites.

Fortunately, mouthguards are readily available and can help ensure your teeth remain solidly in place. They’re made from a material that distributes the force of a blow evenly among all your teeth so no individual one takes the brunt of the damage. You’re much less likely to sustain an injury when you’re so thoroughly protected.

Tip #3: Eat Healthy Foods

It might surprise you to learn that a well-balanced diet can help avoid dental emergencies, but it’s true! Plenty of people have fractured teeth or lost dental crowns biting into hard candies, for example. Plus, the sugar content attracts bacteria that contribute to cavities and gingivitis. Your entire mouth will thank you if you choose healthier options that provide the nutrients necessary to keep it strong. Leafy greens contain calcium for bone strength and citrus fruits and colorful veggies often contain vitamin C for gum health. Filling up on these types of foods builds up your grin instead of tearing it down.

While you can’t plan for an emergency, following these tips can help you keep your smile in tip-top shape so you can keep your beautiful smile in perfect condition!

About the Author

Dr. Andrea Csok finds joy in enhancing patients’ lives by improving their oral well-being. She first graduated from John Carrol University, then earned her dental degree from The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. She provides a full range of dental services to patients of all ages including dental emergencies. Her compassionate staff is happy to set you up with a same-day appointment if something has happened so you don’t need to wait for relief. You’re welcome to contact the office on the website or call (216) 292-3600.

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